Why “for the craic, not the anorak”?
And aren’t all pub quizzes meant to be fun?
Well, the fact is, for some people pub quizzes are daunting, as they are a test of trivia that only a select few know. At The Three Tuns quiz you won’t get those “who scored the winning goal in the 1956 FA cup final?” type questions.
We don’t want to be THAT quiz. We’re the quiz for people who MAY have looked at the news this week, MAY have a passing interest in David Attenborough or Brian Cox shows, MAY have read some classic literature or watches the movies when they’re on the telly.
We’re certainly not the most taxing quiz out there, because it’s not really about the competition. It’s about the banter, the occasional heckle, and the joining together with people from 18 to 80.
How does it work?
Hamsters. It runs entirely on hamsters.
Oh. The format.
Well, there’s 5 rounds of 5 general knowledge questions. So, one week there may be “Film and Television Doctors” for example, or “North East Landmarks”. There’s generally an “In the news this week” round. All 5 questions.
Then there’s 5 rounds of 5 music questions. Maybe a round on “Musicians named David”, “Musical Siblings”, and the always infuriating “Opening Lyrics Round”.
They’ll mostly all be things that at least SOMEBODY on your team will have in their head. About 1/3 of the questions are things the younger people are more likely to know. About 1/3 are questions that the more senior people might know. and then there’s the rest, random stuff from across the various categories. Albert’s probably never heard of Dua Lipa. Katy’s probably never heard of Freddie and The Dreamers. EVERYONE knows SOMETHING, and no one should be left not having fun.
And of course a pub quiz wouldn’t be a pub quiz without a picture round. Here’s a few previous ones..